
Showing posts from September, 2018


Joint entrance examination 2019                              call on 9999635199 An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) ( ) in India is a person specifically licensed or authorised by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Government of India, to certify the airworthiness (fit to fly) of an aircraft and its systems. All civil aircraft are required to be certified airworthy before each flight by a qualified Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. All Maintenance on an aircraft is to be carried out in accordance with rules and is to be certified by the licenced/authorised AME. Only after such certification aircraft can be flown. AME licence can be obtained by undergoing AME training in an approved AME college/school. You have to pass DGCA AME licence Examination which are held by DGC...

JEE 2019

STAR AVIATION ACADEMY                                   call on 9999635199 JEE Main 2019  Application Form has been released on 1st September 2018( ). It will be conducted  twice in a year  by  NTA . It is a national level entrance examination. NTA organizes it to offer admission in  B.E/B.Tech/AME  and B.Arch/B.Plan courses. NITs, CFTIs and various other colleges and institutions of India consider the JEE Main scores for providing admission. For admission in IITs & ISM Dhanbad, students have to qualify both examinations, i.e. JEE Main and JEE Advanced.  JEE Main 2019 Mock Test  has been released now. Check details about JEE Main 2019 including latest news about application form, eligibility, exam date, exam pattern, syllabus, etc. New C...